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"Had he hired him without a recommendation? He would not be
likely to, yet the page was clear of all reference; only the name
and the date. But the date! You have already noted its
significance, and later he did, too. The day of the Ramsdell
ball! The day of the great murder! As he recalled the incidents
of that day he understood why the record of Wellgood's name was
unaccompanied by the usual reference. It had been a difficult day
all round. The function was an important one, and the weather
bad. There was, besides, an unusual shortage in his number of
assistants. Two men had that very morning been laid up with
sickness, and when this able-looking, self-confident Wellgood
presented himself for immediate employment, he took him out of
hand with the merest glance at what looked like a very
satisfactory reference. Later, he had intended to look up this
reference, which he had been careful to preserve by sticking it,
along with other papers, on his spike-file. But in the
distractions following the untoward events of the evening, he had
neglected to do so, feeling perfectly satisfied with the man's
work and general behavior. Now it was a different thing. The man
had left him summarily, and he felt impelled to hunt up the
person who had recommended him and see whether this was the first
time that Wellgood had repaid good treatment with bad. Running
through the papers with which his file was now full, he found
that the one he sought was not there. This roused him in good
earnest, for he was certain that he had not removed it himself
and there was no one else who had the right to do so. He
suspected the culprit,--a young lad who occasionally had access
to his desk. But this boy was no longer in the office. He had
dismissed him for some petty fault the previous week, and it took
him several days to find him again. Meantime his anger grew and
when he finally came face to face with the lad, he accused him of
the suspected trick with so much vehemence that the inevitable
happened, and the boy confessed. This is what he acknowledged. He
had taken the reference off the file, but only to give it to
Wellgood himself, who had offered him money for it. When asked
how much money, the boy admitted that the sum was ten dollars,--
an extraordinary amount from a poor man for so simple a service,
if the man merely wished to secure his reference for future use;
so extraordinary that Mr. Jones grew more and more pertinent in
his inquiries, eliciting finally what he surely could not have
hoped for in the beginning,--the exact address of the party
referred to in the paper he had stolen, and which, for some
reason, the boy remembered. It was an uptown address, and, as
soon as the caterer could leave his business, he took the
elevated and proceeded to the specified street and number.