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He finds it pleasant to talk of his horses especially to young
women, with whom, perhaps, the ascertained fact of his winter
employment does give him some credit. It is still something to be
a hunting man even yet, though the multiplicity of railways and
the existing plethora of money has so increased the number of
sportsmen, that to keep a nag or two near some well-known
station, is nearly as common as to die. But the delight of these
martyrs is at the highest in the presence of their tailors; or,
higher still, perhaps, in that of their bootmakers. The hunting
man does receive some honour from him who makes his breeches;
and, with a well-balanced sense of justice, the tailor's foreman
is, I think, more patient, more admiring, more demonstrative in
his assurances, more ready with his bit of chalk, when handling
the knee of the man who doesn't like the work, than he ever is
with the customer who comes to him simply because he wants some
clothes fit for the saddle. The judicious conciliating tradesman
knows that compensation should be given, and he helps to give it.
But the visits to the bootmaker are better still. The tailor
persists in telling his customer how his breeches should be made,
and after what fashion they should be worn; but the bootmaker
will take his orders meekly. If not ruffled by paltry objections
as to the fit of the foot, he will accede to any amount of
instructions as to the legs and tops. And then a new pair of top
boots is a pretty toy; Costly, perhaps, if needed only as a toy,
but very pretty, and more decorative in a gentleman's dressing-room
than any other kind of garment. And top boots, when
multiplied in such a locality, when seen in a phalanx tell such
pleasant lies on their owner's behalf. While your breeches are as
dumb in their retirement as though you had not paid for them,
your conspicuous boots are eloquent with a thousand tongues!
There is pleasure found, no doubt, in this.