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You will sympathise with me. Up there I had been the model for
every officer of my years in the army. I was the first
swordsman, the most dashing rider, the hero of a hundred
adventures. Here I found myself not only unknown, but even
disliked. Was it not natural that I should wish to tell these
brave comrades what sort of man it was that had come among them?
Was it not natural that I should wish to say, "Rejoice, my
friends, rejoice! It is no ordinary man who has joined you
to-night, but it is I, THE Gerard, the hero of Ratisbon, the
victor of Jena, the man who broke the square at Austerlitz"? I
could not say all this. But I could at least tell them some
incidents which would enable them to say it for themselves. I
did so. They listened unmoved. I told them more. At last,
after my tale of how I had guided the army across the Danube, one
universal shout of laughter broke from them all. I sprang to my
feet, flushed with shame and anger. They had drawn me on. They
were making game of me. They were convinced that they had to do
with a braggart and a liar. Was this my reception in the Hussars
of Conflans?
I dashed the tears of mortification from my eyes, and they
laughed the more at the sight.
"Do you know, Captain Pelletan, whether Marshal Lannes is still
with the army?" asked the major.
"I believe that he is, sir," said the other.
"Really, I should have thought that his presence was hardly
necessary now that Captain Gerard has arrived."
Again there was a roar of laughter. I can see the ring of faces,
the mocking eyes, the open mouths-- Olivier with his great black
bristles, Pelletan thin and sneering, even the young
sub-lieutenants convulsed with merriment. Heavens, the indignity
of it! But my rage had dried my tears. I was myself again,
cold, quiet, self-contained, ice without and fire within.