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"Percy," she said gently, "they will only give us a few moments
together. They thought that my tears would break your spirit
where their devilry had failed."
He held her glance with his own, with that close, intent look
which binds soul to soul, and in his deep blue eyes there danced
the restless flames of his own undying mirth:
"La! little woman," he said with enforced lightness, even whilst
his voice quivered with the intensity of passion engendered by her
presence, her nearness, the perfume of her hair, "how little they
know you, eh? Your brave, beautiful, exquisite soul, shining now
through your glorious eyes, would defy the machinations of Satan
himself and his horde. Close your dear eyes, my love. I shall go
mad with joy if I drink their beauty in any longer."
He held her face between his two hands, and indeed it seemed as if
he could not satiate his soul with looking into her eyes. In the
midst of so much sorrow, such misery and such deadly fear, never
had Marguerite felt quite so happy, never had she felt him so
completely her own. The inevitable bodily weakness, which of
necessity had invaded even his splendid physique after a whole
week's privations, had made a severe breach in the invincible
barrier of self-control with which the soul of the inner man was
kept perpetually hidden behind a mask of indifference and of