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"The Commodore asks if you'll take a drink with him," explained one
of the men to Clarence's friend with the greatest seriousness.
"Eh? Oh, yes, certainly," returned that gentleman, changing his
astonished expression to one of the deepest gravity, "seeing it's
the Commodore."
"And perhaps you and your friend will join, too?" said Clarence
timidly to the passenger who had explained; "and you too, sir?" he
added to the dark man.
"Really, gentlemen, I don't see how we can refuse," said the
latter, with the greatest formality, and appealing to the others.
"A compliment of this kind from our distinguished friend is not to
be taken lightly."
"I have observed, sir, that the Commodore's head is level,"
returned the other man with equal gravity.
Clarence could have wished they had not treated his first
hospitable effort quite so formally, but as they stepped from the
coach with unbending faces he led them, a little frightened, into
the bar-room. Here, unfortunately, as he was barely able to reach
over the counter, the barkeeper would have again overlooked him but
for a quick glance from the dark man, which seemed to change even
the barkeeper's perfunctory smiling face into supernatural gravity.
"The Commodore is standing treat," said the dark man, with unbroken
seriousness, indicating Clarence, and leaning back with an air of
respectful formality. "I will take straight whiskey. The
Commodore, on account of just changing climate, will, I believe,
for the present content himself with lemon soda."
Clarence had previously resolved to take whiskey, like the others,
but a little doubtful of the politeness of countermanding his
guest's order, and perhaps slightly embarrassed by the fact that
all the other customers seemed to have gathered round him and his
party with equally immovable faces, he said hurriedly:
"Lemon soda for me, please."