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"Thank'ee, ma'am," said the captain, "I don't know what it is, I am
sure; that brings out the salt in me, but everybody seems to see it
on the crown of my hat and the collar of my coat. Yes, ma'am, I am
in that way of life."
"And the other gentleman, too," said Mrs. Raybrock.
"Well now, ma'am," said the captain, glancing shrewdly at the other
gentleman, "you are that nigh right, that he goes to sea,--if that
makes him a sailor. This is my steward, ma'am, Tom Pettifer; he's
been a'most all trades you could name, in the course of his life,--
would have bought all your chairs and tables once, if you had wished
to sell 'em,--but now he's my steward. My name's Jorgan, and I'm a
ship-owner, and I sail my own and my partners' ships, and have done
so this five-and-twenty year. According to custom I am called
Captain Jorgan, but I am no more a captain, bless your heart, than
you are."
"Perhaps you'll come into my parlour, sir, and take a chair?" said
Mrs. Raybrock.
"Ex-actly what I was going to propose myself, ma'am. After you."
Thus replying, and enjoining Tom to give an eye to the shop, Captain
Jorgan followed Mrs. Raybrock into the little, low back-room,--
decorated with divers plants in pots, tea-trays, old china teapots,
and punch-bowls,--which was at once the private sitting-room of the
Raybrock family and the inner cabinet of the post-office of the
village of Steepways.
"Now, ma'am," said the captain, "it don't signify a cent to you
where I was born, except--" But here the shadow of some one
entering fell upon the captain's figure, and he broke off to double
himself up, slap both his legs, and ejaculate, "Never knew such a
thing in all my life! Here he is again! How are you?"