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He couldn't stay for the wedding, having a few appointments to keep
at the irreconcilable distance of about four thousand miles. So
next morning all the village cheered him up to the level ground
above, and there he shook hands with a complete Census of its
population, and invited the whole, without exception, to come and
stay several months with him at Salem, Mass., U.S. And there as he
stood on the spot where he had seen that little golden picture of
love and parting, and from which he could that morning contemplate
another golden picture with a vista of golden years in it, little
Kitty put her arms around his neck, and kissed him on both his
bronzed cheeks, and laid her pretty face upon his storm-beaten
breast, in sight of all,--ashamed to have called such a noble
captain names. And there the captain waved his hat over his head
three final times; and there he was last seen, going away
accompanied by Tom Pettifer Ho, and carrying his hands in his
pockets. And there, before that ground was softened with the fallen
leaves of three more summers, a rosy little boy took his first
unsteady run to a fair young mother's breast, and the name of that
infant fisherman was Jorgan Raybrock.