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"Ah, but could we once get a start, I am sure that when all
were true cos-ata-lo there would have been evolved at last
the true dominant race before which all the world would be
forced to bow."
Ajor always spoke of the world as though nothing existed
beyond Caspak. She could not seem to grasp the truth of my
origin or the fact that there were countless other peoples
outside her stern barrier-cliffs. She apparently felt that
I came from an entirely different world. Where it was and
how I came to Caspak from it were matters quite beyond her
with which she refused to trouble her pretty head.
"Well," she continued, "and so I ran away to hide, intending
to pass the cliffs to the south of Galu and find a retreat in
the Kro-lu country. It would be dangerous, but there seemed no
other way.
"The third night I took refuge in a large cave in the cliffs at
the edge of my own country; upon the following day I would
cross over into the Kro-lu country, where I felt that I should
be reasonably safe from the Wieroo, though menaced by countless
other dangers. However, to a cos-ata-lo any fate is
preferable to that of falling into the clutches of the
frightful Wieroo, from whose land none returns.