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It was very nice of her to say that, and I appreciated it.
I felt that she was a mighty nice little girl whose friendship
anyone might be glad to have; but I wished that when she
touched me, those peculiar thrills would not run through me.
It was most discomforting, because it reminded me of love; and
I knew that I never could love this half-baked little barbarian.
I was very much interested in her account of the Wieroo, which
up to this time I had considered a purely mythological creature;
but Ajor shuddered so at even the veriest mention of the name
that I was loath to press the subject upon her, and so the
Wieroo still remained a mystery to me.
While the Wieroo interested me greatly, I had little time to
think about them, as our waking hours were filled with the
necessities of existence--the constant battle for survival
which is the chief occupation of Caspakians. To-mar and So-al
were now about fitted for their advent into Kro-lu society and
must therefore leave us, as we could not accompany them without
incurring great danger ourselves and running the chance of
endangering them; but each swore to be always our friend and
assured us that should we need their aid at any time we had but
to ask it; nor could I doubt their sincerity, since we had been
so instrumental in bringing them safely upon their journey
toward the Kro-lu village.
This was our last day together. In the afternoon we should
separate, To-mar and So-al going directly to the Kro-lu
village, while Ajor and I made a detour to avoid a conflict
with the archers. The former both showed evidence of nervous
apprehension as the time approached for them to make their
entry into the village of their new people, and yet both were
very proud and happy. They told us that they would be well
received as additions to a tribe always are welcomed, and the
more so as the distance from the beginning increased, the
higher tribes or races being far weaker numerically than
the lower. The southern end of the island fairly swarms with the
Ho-lu, or apes; next above these are the Alus, who are slightly
fewer in number than the Ho-lu; and again there are fewer Bolu
than Alus, and fewer Sto-lu than Bo-lu. Thus it goes until the
Kro-lu are fewer in number than any of the others; and here the
law reverses, for the Galus outnumber the Kro-lu. As Ajor
explained it to me, the reason for this is that as evolution
practically ceases with the Galus, there is no less among them
on this score, for even the cos-ata-lo are still considered
Galus and remain with them. And Galus come up both from the
west and east coasts. There are, too, fewer carnivorous
reptiles at the north end of the island, and not so many of the
great and ferocious members of the cat family as take their
hideous toll of life among the races further south.