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"Oh, Ceddie!" she had said to him the evening before, as she
hung over him in saying good-night, before he went away; "oh,
Ceddie, dear, I wish for your sake I was very clever and could
say a great many wise things! But only be good, dear, only be
brave, only be kind and true always, and then you will never hurt
any one, so long as you live, and you may help many, and the big
world may be better because my little child was born. And that
is best of all, Ceddie,--it is better than everything else, that
the world should be a little better because a man has lived--even
ever so little better, dearest."
And on his return to the Castle, Fauntleroy had repeated her
words to his grandfather.
"And I thought about you when she said that," he ended; "and I
told her that was the way the world was because you had lived,
and I was going to try if I could be like you."
"And what did she say to that?" asked his lordship, a trifle
"She said that was right, and we must always look for good in
people and try to be like it."
Perhaps it was this the old man remembered as he glanced through
the divided folds of the red curtain of his pew. Many times he
looked over the people's heads to where his son's wife sat alone,
and he saw the fair face the unforgiven dead had loved, and the
eyes which were so like those of the child at his side; but what
his thoughts were, and whether they were hard and bitter, or
softened a little, it would have been hard to discover.