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The centre of the valley was occupied by an irregularly shaped lake,
plentifully dotted with islands about its shores, but quite clear of
them in the middle. In its greatest length it would be about twelve
miles long, while its breadth varied from five miles to a few hundred
yards. Its sloping shores were covered with the most luxuriant
vegetation, which reached upwards almost unbroken, but changing in
character with the altitude, until there was a regular series of
transitions, from the palms and bananas on the shores of the lake, to
the sparse and scanty pines and firs that clung to the upper slopes of
the mountains.
The lake received about a score of streams, many of which began as
waterfalls far up the mountains, while two of them at least had their
origin in the eternal snows of the northern and southern peaks. So far
as they could see from the air-ship, the lake had no outlet, and they
were therefore obliged to conclude that its surplus waters escaped by
some subterranean channel, probably to reappear again as a river welling
from the earth, it might be, hundreds of miles away.
Of inhabitants there were absolutely no traces to be seen, from the
direction in which the Ariel was approaching. Animals and birds there
seemed to be in plenty, but of man no trace was visible, until in her
flight along the valley the Ariel opened up one of the many smaller
valleys formed by the ribs of the encircling mountains.
There, close by a clump of magnificent tree-ferns, and nestling under a
precipitous ridge, covered from base to summit with dark-green foliage
and brilliantly-coloured flowers, was a well-built log-hut surrounded by
an ample verandah, also almost smothered in flowers, and surmounted by a
flagstaff from which fluttered the tattered remains of a Union-Jack.