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Coming to a spot where the pines stood farther apart and gave room
for flowering shrubs, and hoping it a sign of some dwelling near, I
took the direction where yet more and more roses grew, for I was
hungry after the voice and face of my kind--after any live soul,
indeed, human or not, which I might in some measure understand.
What a hell of horror, I thought, to wander alone, a bare existence
never going out of itself, never widening its life in another life,
but, bound with the cords of its poor peculiarities, lying an eternal
prisoner in the dungeon of its own being! I began to learn that it
was impossible to live for oneself even, save in the presence of
others--then, alas, fearfully possible! evil was only through good!
selfishness but a parasite on the tree of life! In my own world
I had the habit of solitary song; here not a crooning murmur ever
parted my lips! There I sang without thinking; here I thought
without singing! there I had never had a bosom-friend; here the
affection of an idiot would be divinely welcome! "If only I had
a dog to love!" I sighed--and regarded with wonder my past self,
which preferred the company of book or pen to that of man or woman;
which, if the author of a tale I was enjoying appeared, would wish
him away that I might return to his story. I had chosen the dead
rather than the living, the thing thought rather than the thing
thinking! "Any man," I said now, "is more than the greatest of
books!" I had not cared for my live brothers and sisters, and now
I was left without even the dead to comfort me!
The wood thinned yet more, and the pines grew yet larger, sending
up huge stems, like columns eager to support the heavens. More
trees of other kinds appeared; the forest was growing richer! The
roses wore now trees, and their flowers of astonishing splendour.
Suddenly I spied what seemed a great house or castle; but its forms
were so strangely indistinct, that I could not be certain it was
more than a chance combination of tree-shapes. As I drew nearer,
its lines yet held together, but neither they nor the body of it
grew at all more definite; and when at length I stood in front of
it, I remained as doubtful of its nature as before. House or castle
habitable, it certainly was not; it might be a ruin overgrown with
ivy and roses! Yet of building hid in the foliage, not the poorest
wall-remnant could I discern. Again and again I seemed to descry what
must be building, but it always vanished before closer inspection.
Could it be, I pondered, that the ivy had embraced a huge edifice
and consumed it, and its interlaced branches retained the shapes of
the walls it had assimilated?--I could be sure of nothing concerning
the appearance.