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"Doubt," I said to myself, "may be a poor encouragement to do
anything, but it is a bad reason for doing nothing." So tight was
the skin upon her bones that I dared not use friction.
I crept into the heap of leaves, got as close to her as I could,
and took her in my arms. I had not much heat left in me, but what
I had I would share with her! Thus I spent what remained of the
night, sleepless, and longing for the sun. Her cold seemed to
radiate into me, but no heat to pass from me to her.
Had I fled from the beautiful sleepers, I thought, each on her "dim,
straight" silver couch, to lie alone with such a bedfellow! I had
refused a lovely privilege: I was given over to an awful duty!
Beneath the sad, slow-setting moon, I lay with the dead, and watched
for the dawn.
The darkness had given way, and the eastern horizon was growing
dimly clearer, when I caught sight of a motion rather than of
anything that moved--not far from me, and close to the ground. It
was the low undulating of a large snake, which passed me in an
unswerving line. Presently appeared, making as it seemed for the
same point, what I took for a roebuck-doe and her calf. Again a
while, and two creatures like bear-cubs came, with three or four
smaller ones behind them. The light was now growing so rapidly that
when, a few minutes after, a troop of horses went trotting past, I
could see that, although the largest of them were no bigger than the
smallest Shetland pony, they must yet be full-grown, so perfect were
they in form, and so much had they all the ways and action of great
horses. They were of many breeds. Some seemed models of cart-horses,
others of chargers, hunters, racers. Dwarf cattle and small
elephants followed.