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"Do you remember the mountains? Do you remember how we loved one
another? How intensely we loved one another! Do you remember
the light on things and the glory of things? I'm greedy, I'm
greedy! I want children like the mountains and life like the
sky. Oh! and love--love! We've had so splendid a time, and
fought our fight and won. And it's like the petals falling from
a flower. Oh, I've loved love, dear! I've loved love and you,
and the glory of you; and the great time is over, and I have to
go carefully and bear children, and--take care of my hair--and
when I am done with that I shall be an old woman. The petals
have fallen --the red petals we loved so. We're hedged about
with discretions--and all this furniture--and successes! We are
successful at last! Successful! But the mountains, dear! We
won't forget the mountains, dear, ever. That shining slope of
snow, and how we talked of death! We might have died! Even when
we are old, when we are rich as we may be, we won't forget the
tune when we cared nothing for anything but the joy of one
another, when we risked everything for one another, when all the
wrappings and coverings seemed to have fallen from life and left
it light and fire. Stark and stark! Do you remember it all? . . .
Say you will never forget! That these common things and secondary
things sha'n't overwhelm us. These petals! I've been wanting
to cry all the evening, cry here on your shoulder for my petals.
Petals! . . . Silly woman! . . . I've never had these crying
fits before. . . ."
"Blood of my heart!" whispered Capes, holding her close to him.
"I know. I understand."