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Now about this time Mrs. Feathertop, having laid her eggs daily with
great credit to herself, notwithstanding Mrs. Scratchard's
predictions, began to find herself suddenly attacked with nervous
symptoms. She lost her gay spirits, grew dumpish and morose, stuck
up her feathers in a bristling way, and pecked at her neighbours if
they did so much as look at her. Master Gray Cock was greatly
concerned, and went to old Dr. Peppercorn, who looked solemn, and
recommended an infusion of angle-worms, and said he would look in on
the patient twice a day till she was better.
"Gracious me, Gray Cock!" said old Goody Kertarkut, who had been
lolling at the corner as he passed, "ain't you a fool?--cocks always
are fools. Don't you know what's the matter with your wife? She
wants to sit, that's all; and you just let her sit. A fiddlestick
for Dr. Peppercorn! Why, any good old hen that has brought up a
family knows more than a doctor about such things. You just go home
and tell her to sit if she wants to, and behave herself."
When Gray Cock came home, he found that Master Freddy had been before
him, and had established Mrs. Feathertop upon eight nice eggs, where
she was sitting in gloomy grandeur. He tried to make a little
affable conversation with her, and to relate his interview with the
doctor and Goody Kertarkut; but she was morose and sullen, and only
pecked at him now and then in a very sharp, unpleasant way. So after
a few more efforts to make himself agreeable he left her, and went
out promenading with the captivating Mrs. Red Comb, a charming young
Spanish widow, who had just been imported into the neighbouring yard.