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Calling for the loan of a bow, the Doctor loosened the string,
put the hard stick into a loop and began grinding this stick into
the soft wood of the log. Soon I smelt that the log was smoking.
Then he kept feeding the part that was smoking with the inside
lining of the squirrel's nest, and he asked me to blow upon it
with my breath. He made the stick drill faster and faster. More
smoke filled the room. And at last the darkness about us was
suddenly lit up. The squirrel's nest had burst into flame.
The Indians murmured and grunted with astonishment. At first
they were all for falling on their knees and worshiping the fire.
Then they wanted to pick it up with their bare hands and play
with it. We had to teach them how it was to be used; and they
were quite fascinated when we laid our fish across it on sticks
and cooked it. They sniffed the air with relish as, for the first
time in history, the smell of fried fish passed through the
village of Popsipetel.
Then we got them to bring us piles and stacks of dry wood; and we
made an enormous bonfire in the middle of the main street. Round
this, when they felt its warmth, the whole tribe gathered and
smiled and wondered. It was a striking sight, one of the
pictures from our voyages that I most frequently remember: that
roaring jolly blaze beneath the black night sky, and all about it
a vast ring of Indians, the firelight gleaming on bronze cheeks,
white teeth and flashing eyes--a whole town trying to get warm,
giggling and pushing like school-children.