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He paused with swift awkwardness, again confounded by his unwonted
flow of speech. Never in his life had he been stirred to such
utterance, and never in his life had there been cause to be so
stirred. For it was the Game that had been questioned, its verity
and worth, the Game itself, the biggest thing in the world--or what
had been the biggest thing in the world until that chance afternoon
and that chance purchase in Silverstein's candy store, when
Genevieve loomed suddenly colossal in his life, overshadowing all
other things. He was beginning to see, though vaguely, the sharp
conflict between woman and career, between a man's work in the world
and woman's need of the man. But he was not capable of
generalization. He saw only the antagonism between the concrete,
flesh-and-blood Genevieve and the great, abstract, living Game.
Each resented the other, each claimed him; he was torn with the
strife, and yet drifted helpless on the currents of their
His words had drawn Genevieve's gaze to his face, and she had
pleasured in the clear skin, the clear eyes, the cheek soft and
smooth as a girl's. She saw the force of his argument and disliked
it accordingly. She revolted instinctively against this Game which
drew him away from her, robbed her of part of him. It was a rival
she did not understand. Nor could she understand its seductions.
Had it been a woman rival, another girl, knowledge and light and
sight would have been hers. As it was, she grappled in the dark
with an intangible adversary about which she knew nothing. What
truth she felt in his speech made the Game but the more formidable.
A sudden conception of her weakness came to her. She felt pity for
herself, and sorrow. She wanted him, all of him, her woman's need
would not be satisfied with less; and he eluded her, slipped away
here and there from the embrace with which she tried to clasp him.
Tears swam into her eyes, and her lips trembled, turning defeat into
victory, routing the all-potent Game with the strength of her