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"But thot's their way - 'we regret tull note,' 'we beg tull
advise,' 'we recommend,' 'we canna understand' - an' the like o'
thot. Domned cargo tank! An' they would thunk I could drive her
like a Lucania, an' wi'out burnun' coals. There was thot
propeller. I was after them a guid while for ut. The old one was
iron, thuck on the edges, an' we couldna make our speed. An' the
new one was bronze - nine hundred pounds ut cost, an' then wantun'
their returns out o' ut, an' me wuth a bod passage an' lossin' time
every day. 'We regret tull note your long passage from Voloparaiso
tull Sydney wuth an average daily run o' only one hundred an'
suxty-seven. We hod expected better results wuth the new
propeller. You should a-made an average daily run o' two hundred
and suxteen.'
"An' me on a wunter passage, blowin' a luvin' gale half the time,
wuth hurricane force in atweenwhiles, an' hove to sux days, wuth
engines stopped an' bunker coal runnun' short, an' me wuth a mate
thot stupid he could no pass a shup's light ot night wi'out callun'
me tull the brudge. I wrut an' told 'em so. An' then: 'Our
nautical adviser suggests you kept too far south,' an' 'We are
lookun' for better results from thot propeller.' Nautical adviser!
- shore pilot! Ut was the regular latitude for a wunter passage
from Voloparaiso tull Sydney.
"An' when I come un tull Auckland short o' coal, after lettun' her
druft sux days wuth the fires out tull save the coal, an' wuth only
twenty tons in my bunkers, I was thunkun' o' the lossin' o' time
an' the expense, an' tull save the owners I took her un an' out
wi'out pilotage. Pilotage was no compulsory. An' un Yokohama, who
should I meet but Captun Robinson o' the Dyapsic. We got a-talkun'
about ports an' places down Australia-way, an' first thing he says:
'Speakun' o' Auckland - of course, Captun, you was never un
Auckland?' 'Yus,' I says, 'I was un there very recent.' 'Oh, ho,'
he says, very angry-like, 'so you was the smart Aleck thot fetched
me thot letter from the owners: "We note item of fufteen pounds
for pilotage ot Auckland. A shup o' ours was un tull Auckland
recently an' uncurred no such charge. We beg tull advise you thot
we conseeder thus pilotage an onnecessary expense which should no
be uncurred un the future.'"