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"Then there were other troubles, for know, O Deer-Runner, and
Yellow-Head, and Afraid-of-the-Dark, that it is not easy to make a
tribe. There were many things, little things, that it was a great
trouble to call all the men together to have a council about. We
were having councils morning, noon, and night, and in the middle of
the night. We could find little time to go out and get food,
because of the councils, for there was always some little thing to
be settled, such as naming two new watchers to take the place of
the old ones on the hill, or naming how much food should fall to
the share of the men who kept their weapons always in their hands
and got no food for themselves.
"We stood in need of a chief man to do these things, who would be
the voice of the council, and who would account to the council for
the things he did. So we named Fith-Fith the chief man. He was a
strong man, too, and very cunning, and when he was angry he made
noises just like that, FITH-FITH, like a wild-cat.