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Following upon the alarm raised by Burchaldter's figures, in 1970
France made a long-threatened stand. French Indo-China had been
overrun, filled up, by Chinese immigrants. France called a halt.
The Chinese wave flowed on. France assembled a force of a hundred
thousand on the boundary between her unfortunate colony and China,
and China sent down an army of militia-soldiers a million strong.
Behind came the wives and sons and daughters and relatives, with
their personal household luggage, in a second army. The French
force was brushed aside like a fly. The Chinese militia-soldiers,
along with their families, over five millions all told, coolly took
possession of French Indo-China and settled down to stay for a few
thousand years.
Outraged France was in arms. She hurled fleet after fleet against
the coast of China, and nearly bankrupted herself by the effort.
China had no navy. She withdrew like a turtle into her shell. For
a year the French fleets blockaded the coast and bombarded exposed
towns and villages. China did not mind. She did not depend upon
the rest of the world for anything. She calmly kept out of range
of the French guns and went on working. France wept and wailed,
wrung her impotent hands and appealed to the dumfounded nations.
Then she landed a punitive expedition to march to Peking. It was
two hundred and fifty thousand strong, and it was the flower of
France. It landed without opposition and marched into the
interior. And that was the last ever seen of it. The line of
communication was snapped on the second day. Not a survivor came
back to tell what had happened. It had been swallowed up in
China's cavernous maw, that was all.
In the five years that followed, China's expansion, in all land
directions, went on apace. Siam was made part of the Empire, and,
in spite of all that England could do, Burma and the Malay
Peninsula were overrun; while all along the long south boundary of
Siberia, Russia was pressed severely by China's advancing hordes.
The process was simple. First came the Chinese immigration (or,
rather, it was already there, having come there slowly and
insidiously during the previous years). Next came the clash of
arms and the brushing away of all opposition by a monster army of
militia-soldiers, followed by their families and household baggage.
And finally came their settling down as colonists in the conquered
territory. Never was there so strange and effective a method of
world conquest.