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"A Canary-Bird on a Rainbow wouldn't be so bad,"
asserted the Tin Owl, winking and blinking with his
round tin eyes, "so if you can manage to find your
Rainbow again you need have little to worry about."
"That's nonsense, Friend Chopper," exclaimed Woot. "I
know just how Polychrome feels. A beautiful girl is
much superior to a little yellow bird, and a boy --
such as I was -- far better than a Green Monkey.
Neither of us can be happy again unless we recover our
rightful forms."
"I feel the same way," announced the stuffed Bear.
"What do you suppose my friend the Patchwork Girl would
think of me, if she saw me wearing this beastly shape?"
"She'd laugh till she cried," admitted the Tin Owl.
"For my part, I'll have to give up the notion of
marrying Nimmie Amee, but I'll try not to let that make
me unhappy. If it's my duty, I'd like to do my duty,
but if magic prevents my getting married I'll flutter
along all by myself and be just as contented."
Their serious misfortunes made them all silent for a
time, and as their thoughts were busy in dwelling upon
the evils with which fate had burdened them, none
noticed that Jinjur had suddenly appeared in the
doorway and was looking at them in astonishment. The
next moment her astonishment changed to anger, for
there, in her best rocking-chair, sat a Green Monkey. A
great shiny Owl perched upon another chair and a Brown
Bear squatted upon her parlor rug. Jinjur did not
notice the Canary, but she caught up a broomstick and
dashed into the room, shouting as she came:
"Get out of here, you wild creatures! How dare you
enter my house?"