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"I'm sorry, and I warn't expecting it. They told
me to. They all told me to. They all said, kiss her;
and said she'd like it. They all said it -- every one of
them. But I'm sorry, m'am, and I won't do it no
more -- I won't, honest."
"You won't, won't you? Well, I sh'd RECKON you
"No'm, I'm honest about it; I won't ever do it
again -- till you ask me."
"Till I ASK you! Well, I never see the beat of it in
my born days! I lay you'll be the Methusalem-num-skull
of creation before ever I ask you -- or the likes of
"Well," he says, "it does surprise me so. I can't
make it out, somehow. They said you would, and I
thought you would. But --" He stopped and looked
around slow, like he wished he could run across a
friendly eye somewheres, and fetched up on the old
gentleman's, and says, "Didn't YOU think she'd like
me to kiss her, sir?"
"Why, no; I -- I -- well, no, I b'lieve I didn't."
Then he looks on around the same way to me, and
"Tom, didn't YOU think Aunt Sally 'd open out her
arms and say, 'Sid Sawyer --'"
"My land!" she says, breaking in and jumping for
him, "you impudent young rascal, to fool a body
so --" and was going to hug him, but he fended her
off, and says:
"No, not till you've asked me first."
So she didn't lose no time, but asked him; and
hugged him and kissed him over and over again, and
then turned him over to the old man, and he took what
was left. And after they got a little quiet again she says: