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Tom Canty lived to be a very old man, a handsome, white-haired old
fellow, of grave and benignant aspect. As long as he lasted he
was honoured; and he was also reverenced, for his striking and
peculiar costume kept the people reminded that 'in his time he had
been royal;' so, wherever he appeared the crowd fell apart, making
way for him, and whispering, one to another, "Doff thy hat, it is
the King's Ward!"--and so they saluted, and got his kindly smile
in return--and they valued it, too, for his was an honourable
Yes, King Edward VI. lived only a few years, poor boy, but he
lived them worthily. More than once, when some great dignitary,
some gilded vassal of the crown, made argument against his
leniency, and urged that some law which he was bent upon amending
was gentle enough for its purpose, and wrought no suffering or
oppression which any one need mightily mind, the young King turned
the mournful eloquence of his great compassionate eyes upon him
and answered--
"What dost THOU know of suffering and oppression? I and my people
know, but not thou."
The reign of Edward VI. was a singularly merciful one for those
harsh times. Now that we are taking leave of him, let us try to
keep this in our minds, to his credit.