"What was his name?"
There wasn't anything more said for a considerable while;
the old lady was thinking. At last she says:
"The thing that is mostly worrying your aunt Sally is
the tempers that that man Jubiter gets your uncle into."
Tom was astonished, and so was I. Tom says:
"Tempers? Uncle Silas? Land, you must be joking! I didn't
know he HAD any temper."
"Works him up into perfect rages, your aunt Sally says;
says he acts as if he would really hit the man, sometimes."
"Aunt Polly, it beats anything I ever heard of.
Why, he's just as gentle as mush."
"Well, she's worried, anyway. Says your uncle Silas is
like a changed man, on account of all this quarreling.
And the neighbors talk about it, and lay all the blame
on your uncle, of course, because he's a preacher and
hain't got any business to quarrel. Your aunt Sally
says he hates to go into the pulpit he's so ashamed;
and the people have begun to cool toward him, and he ain't
as popular now as he used to was."
"Well, ain't it strange? Why, Aunt Polly,
he was always so good and kind and moony and
absent-minded and chuckle-headed and lovable--why,
he was just an angel! What CAN be the matter of him,
do you reckon?"