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Next, they called up Lem Beebe, and he took the stand.
It come into my mind, then, how Lem and Jim Lane had come
along talking, that time, about borrowing a dog or something
from Jubiter Dunlap; and that brought up the blackberries
and the lantern; and that brought up Bill and Jack Withers,
and how they passed by, talking about a nigger stealing
Uncle Silas's corn; and that fetched up our old ghost
that come along about the same time and scared us
so--and here HE was too, and a privileged character,
on accounts of his being deef and dumb and a stranger,
and they had fixed him a chair inside the railing, where he
could cross his legs and be comfortable, whilst the other
people was all in a jam so they couldn't hardly breathe.
So it all come back to me just the way it was that day;
and it made me mournful to think how pleasant it was up
to then, and how miserable ever since.
LEM BEEBE, sworn, said--"I was a-coming along, that day,
second of September, and Jim Lane was with me, and it was
towards sundown, and we heard loud talk, like quarrelling,
and we was very close, only the hazel bushes between
(that's along the fence); and we heard a voice say,
'I've told you more'n once I'd kill you,' and knowed
it was this prisoner's voice; and then we see a club
come up above the bushes and down out of sight again.
and heard a smashing thump and then a groan or two: and
then we crope soft to where we could see, and there laid
Jupiter Dunlap dead, and this prisoner standing over him
with the club; and the next he hauled the dead man into
a clump of bushes and hid him, and then we stooped low,
to be cut of sight, and got away."