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- Adams, John
- Adams, John Quincy
- Aesop
- Alger, Horatio
- Altsheler, Joseph A.
- Anderson, Sherwood
- Arthur, T.S.
- Baum, L. Frank
- Bellamy, Edward
- Bierce, Ambrose
- Bolton, Sarah Knowles
- Bronte, Emily
- Buchanan, James
- Buren, Martin Van
- Burgess, Thornton W.
- Burk, Martha Cannary
- Burnett, Frances Hodgson
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice
- Bush, George
- Bush, George W.
- Cable, Boyd
- Carter, Jimmy
- Cather, Willa
- Chesterton, Gilbert K.
- Chopin, Kate
- Christie, Agatha
- Cleveland, Grover
- Clinton, William Jefferson
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
- Collodi, C.
- Conrad, Joseph
- Coolidge, Calvin
- Cooper, James Fenimore
- Crane, Stephen
- Dawson, Coningsby
- Defoe, Daniel
- Dickens, Charles
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor
- Douglass, Frederick
- Doyle, Arthur Conan
- DuBois, W. E. B.
- Dyke, Henry van
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.
- Eliot, George
- Empey, Arthur Guy
- Ferber, Edna
- Filson, John
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott
- Flaubert, Gustave
- Garfield, James A.
- Gaskell, Elizabeth
- Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
- Gorky, Maxim
- Grant, Ulysses S.
- Green, Anna Katharine
- Griffith, George Chetwynd
- Haggard, H. Rider
- Harding, Warren G.
- Harrison, Benjamin
- Harrison, William Henry
- Harte, Bret
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel
- Hay, Ian
- Hayes, Rutherford B.
- Henry, O
- Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
- Hogg, James
- Holmes, R. Derby
- Hoover, Herbert
- Hope, Laura Lee
- Hornung, E. W.
- Howells, William Dean
- Huxley, Aldous
- Irving, Washington
- Jackson, Andrew
- Jacobs, Harriet
- James, Henry
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Jerome, Jerome K.
- Jewett, Sarah Orne
- Johnson, Lyndon Baines
- Kennedy, John F.
- King Jr., Martin Luther
- Kingsley, Charles
- Lincoln, Abraham
- Lofting, Hugh
- London, Jack
- Lowell, James Russell
- MacDonald, George
- Machiavelli, Nicolo
- Madison, James
- McKinley, William
- Melville, Herman
- Monroe, James
- Montgomery, Lucy Maud
- Morley, Christopher
- Nixon, Richard Milhous
- Obama, Barack Hussein
- Orczy, Baroness Emmuska
- Paine, Thomas
- Peattie, Elia W.
- Pierce, Franklin
- Plato
- Poe, Edgar Allan
- Polk, James Knox
- Publius
- Rand, Ayn
- Reagan, Ronald
- Rohmer, Sax
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Roosevelt, Theodore
- Scott, Sir Walter
- Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
- Sinclair, Upton
- Stockton, Frank R.
- Stoker, Bram
- Stout, Rex
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher
- Swift, Jonathan
- Taft, William Howard
- Taylor, Zachary
- Thackeray, William Makepeace
- Townsend, George Alfred
- Tr., Homer, Butler
- Trollope, Anthony
- Truman, Harry S.
- Truth, Sojourner
- Tuckerman, Henry Theodore
- Twain, Mark
- Unknown
- Various
- Verne, Jules
- Washington, George
- Wells, H. G. [Herbert George]
- Wharton, Edith
- Wilson, Woodrow
- Wodehouse, P. G.
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